Category In harmony with nature



The Redwing, named after its carmine wings, is the smallest thrush in Kazakhstan. A social nomad, this berry-loving bird visits only in winter, with only a few breeding pairs staying throughout the year. Description Adult redwings in breeding plumage are…

Сойка - фото и описание птицы

Eurasian Jay

There are more than 30 recognized subspecies of Eurasian jays, and their exact color patterns and plumage can vary widely across their geographic range. It is one of the most colorful members of the bird family, and due to its…


The glossy ibis

The glossy ibis (scientific name “Plegadis falcinellus”) is a bird from the order of storks that belongs to the ibis family. This species is listed in the Red Book as an entire population on the verge of extinction. Characteristics The…

Transparent animals

Transparent glass-skinned animals are found throughout the world, from frogs to fish and butterflies, and most often use their translucent skin as a defense against predators. You’ve probably heard a lot about the ability of some animals to blend in…

Стеклянная лягушка фото

Glass frog

The name “glass frog” comes from the white translucent skin on the abdomen, where the frog’s beating heart and other organs are visible. Elsewhere, its skin is usually pale green with small yellow suckers on its fingers and toes. Glass…

Королевский пингвин

King penguin

The king penguin is the second largest penguin on the planet. In fact, this bird got its common name from the belief that it was the largest of all penguins – which was refuted in 1884 when its close relative,…

Rangifer tarandus

Rangifer tarandus

The name reindeer comes from its habitat, i.e. from the word “northern”. There is also another alternative name for the animal – caribou. Wild reindeer can still be found in the wild despite habitat loss and constant climate change. Reindeer…

Природный биосферный заповедник

Natural biosphere reserve

To address issues related to the conservation of biodiversity, a natural biosphere reserve has been created. These unique areas provide a special environment for both people and nature and are living examples of how people and nature can coexist while…

Кавказский биосферный заповедник

Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve

The full name of the reserve is the Kh. G. Shaposhnikov Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve. This is the largest and oldest protected natural area in the North Caucasus. The Caucasus Reserve has received international recognition as a standard of…

Лесные природные ресурсы

Forest natural resources

Nearly 4 billion hectares of the earth’s surface is occupied by natural forest resources that are protected and used by people. The world’s forest resources account for approximately 30% of the total area of ​​the planet. Forests are the repository…
