Author: Violetta



The Redwing, named after its carmine wings, is the smallest thrush in Kazakhstan. A social nomad, this berry-loving bird visits...

Стеклянная лягушка фото

Glass frog

The name “glass frog” comes from the white translucent skin on the abdomen, where the frog’s beating heart and other...

Биоразлагаемая упаковка

Biodegradable packaging

In combination with metal containers, biodegradable packaging is an excellent alternative to conventional plastic. Films, coatings and bags based on...

Лечение морской солью

Sea ​​salt treatment

Sea salt is known for its health-promoting minerals, therapeutic properties, and natural harvesting process. It is usually not processed, as...

заяц русак


One of the fastest land mammals in the world is the hare. Lacking any other formidable defense at its disposal,...