Category Health

Цикорий польза

Why You Should Drink Chicory: Benefits and Harms 🌿

Chicory is a perennial herbaceous plant that has gained popularity as a coffee substitute due to its rich chemical composition and numerous health benefits. In this article, we will explore the chicory benefits, its effects on the body, contraindications, and…

Влияние пестицидов на человека

The impact of pesticides on humans

What is the negative impact of pesticides on human health and body. Pesticides are considered a quick, simple and inexpensive solution to weed and pest control in urban landscapes. However, their use is associated with a negative impact on the…

Как улучшить память взрослому человеку

How to improve the memory of an adult?

Are you interested in whether it is possible for an adult to improve memory? Many people think that memory and attention are given by nature, and it only gets worse with age. But this is not true. Each person can…

Лечение морской солью

Sea ​​salt treatment

Sea salt is known for its health-promoting minerals, therapeutic properties, and natural harvesting process. It is usually not processed, as it is produced directly from the evaporation of sea water. Due to minimal processing, sea salt contains various trace elements,…

Вред компьютерных игр

Harm of computer games

Many parents disapprove of computer games, considering them a waste of time and the reason for the aggressive behavior of their children. But some scientists and psychologists say that a good computer game does more good than harm and contributes…

Trans fat is double trouble for your heart health

Trans fat is double trouble for your heart health

Margarine was invented about 100 years ago in France by the chemist I. Mezh-Murya. The World Health Organization confirms that there is a risk of heart attack and stroke. Trans fat increases your “bad” cholesterol. How to avoid trans fat?…

the benefits of lard-min

Reasons Why Lard is Actually Good for You

So before you follow the stable trend of no/low fat any longer, hear these few interesting facts about lard and why it could be a great substance to add to your diet. This rendered pig blubber is not a typical…
